Success Triggers

Success in life is the desire of the Creator for every man or woman. God is the Most High and Most Successful Being in the universe. You don’t have to look at success in any good and right endeavour as too difficult to attain. It maybe rugged but it is not impossible. The path of success is revealed to anyone who truly desires an longs for such knowledge. Our actions most times determines what happens around us. Every man’s success is locked up within him and him alone could set it free and put it in motion. This could be done by certain actions that I call success triggers. Lets take a close look at some of these triggers;

Hatred for failure;
Success begins as a mindset. Failure is shameful and embarrassing; therefore the first trigger for attaining good success is to hate failure. When you hate failure, you would do everything possible to avoid it. you would apply yourself adequately in order to succeed in your business, academics, career or life generally.

Love for Work;
Success in any endeavour demands that you work, so anyone that hates to work would fin it hard to succeed. There is no short cut to the top. The path of success requires that you must work your way to the top. That’s why most success coaches recommend that you engage in work that you truly love to do.

Hatred for Lack and Want;
Successful life is not devoid of at least some of the good things of life. Therefore a hatred for indigence or poverty around your life would always motivate you to take steps towards overcoming it. And these steps would eventually lead you to success in life.

Desire to Achieve;
Succeeding in life starts inside of you as a strong desire to attain this; a laid back attitude towards life breeds laziness and a lack of personal ambition. You would definitely succeed when the desire to achieve your set noble goals is strong enough to propel you to action.

Aiming to Leave a good legacy behind;

Success in the life of one individual certainly affects other individuals too for good; family, employees, business partners and so on. Studies have shown that most people are moved to take the pathway of success when they have a desire to leave something great for generations to come. Many successful great inventors had this kind of mindset and they were moved to put in their best. Many of us are today enjoying the fruits of their labors for example the invention of the motor car and other means of transportation and communication.


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