Industry-Door Way to Wealth
Wealth in this case means an abundant supply of material
possessions especially those things that are tops in the list of the objects of
human desire. The opposite of being wealthy is poverty. Many folks all over the
world desire to be wealthy put not many are willing to do what it takes to
achieve that state. Wealth can be inherited from parents or relatives, but all
hope is not lost for the individual who is not opportune to inherit wealth
since wealth can also be created. Many have gone from being paupers to becoming
extremely rich in life. There are time tested principles for achieving wealth,
principles that many have applied and they were able to overcome poverty.
Industry is the doorway to wealth and ownership. I call it
the doorway because poor folks that applied themselves to becoming industrious
most times become self sufficient even if they don’t become extremely wealthy.
A close observation of the lower animal kingdom and one would not fail to
notice that they survive based on the application of this principle. Even the
smallest of all creatures; the ant is known to be very industrious. It is
always at work seeking for and gathering food in summer against the winter time
when it is difficult to work. Beggarliness is rarely found in the animal
kingdom, it’s always a case of you either fend for yourself or die of
starvation. Men originated beggarliness caused majorly by the unwillingness to
exert oneself.
The Webster’s 1913 dictionary defines industry as the
habitual diligence in any employment or pursuit, either bodily or mental;
steady attention to business. The opposite of this is sloth or laziness. Industry
did not begin with the industrial revolution, it is rather a time tested and
proven pathway to plenty. If modern man would be sincere with himself, he would
agree that crave for white collar jobs or employment began with him. In the
days of old people employed themselves and began to apply themselves habitually
in what their heart led them to do. Those who are naturally endowed with the
ability to do well in physical work engaged in such and those ones whose
demeanour was towards mental labour went that way too. There was no room for
idleness. Just as the habitually diligent farmer became wealthy over time, this
way the habitually diligent inventor or writer became wealthy too.
No human being born into the world is totally void of the
innate ability to become wealthy. This is because the creator does not intend
for any man to live a beggarly life. The major challenge people face is lack of
self-discovery and the inability to discipline them selves to engage the time
tested principle of industry. In these days of high unemployment rates the
world over, it is becoming glaring to most people that they have to go back to
the drawing board again and put on the coat of industry so as to escape from
poverty. The wise ones amongst men are already seeking for one form of business
or the other which they can direct their attention to diligently. The wise man
who is lucky to be in an eight to five job today should be thinking of what he
can engage himself in as a means to earn more and also as a way of preparing
himself for the time when he would no longer be employable.
When certain folks hear about industry, their minds go to a
large house with plenty of machines where either the production of textiles or
shoes or other forms of goods are taking place. Industry is not limited to the
production of goods alone but also includes being habitually diligent in
rendering any form of needed service. For example the banker needs some one
who’ll launder his clothes just as the laundry man needs the bank for safe
keeping of his earnings. Remember in the days of trading by barter, the hunter
brought game to the fisherman in exchange for his fish. Open your eyes wide and
look within you, there is at least some service that you believe you can render
very well, then become habitually diligent at doing this and soon you’ll be
known for it. As people pay you for your good services rendered, then you’re on
your way to being wealthy. You actually become wealthy if you manage your
income diligently too. The doorway to wealth is wide open if only you would
agree to walk through.
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