Secret Rules Of Great Entrepreneurial Leadership Part 1
An entrepreneur is someone
who sets up a business at a considerable risk. Every living man is an
entrepreneur involved in the business of life. However, not all entrepreneurs
become great. The great ones do not get there by chance either. Like one wise man commented; “anyone who
suddenly wakes up to find him self wealthy hasn’t been sleeping at all.”
Rules are behaviour governing
principles. They are usually established from researches and findings. You
can’t follow the rules and come out ruined. Like tools in the hands of a
skilled artisan, so are rules in the mind of a wise man. The major difference
between the man who becomes a leader in any field of human endeavour and those who
do not is the knowledge of the rules of greatness which the great man is
working by. Those who don’t know gold can’t value either. Like as steps in a
ladder either takes you up or brings you down, so working by laid down rules takes
you up and the disregard of them brings you down. The secret rules that guided
all time remarkable achievers in the business of life are carefully laid out
Rule one: Opportunity is……
An opportunity can be defined
as an occurrence or a set of occurrences that makes it possible to do something.
An opportunity can also be a discovered fact. He progresses faster who is quick
to recognize and seize opportunities that will help him achieve his aims
faster. Leaders in business have a great knack for finding, recognizing and
making good use of opportunities for advancement. You can’t progress faster
than the number of opportunities to progress found and well utilized by you.
Stagnation becomes the lot of those who don’t search for opportunities, who disregard
regard opportunities, who misuse opportunities and those who are generally
nonchalant about the opportunity that comes their way.
The greater your ability to
create, know, discover and utilize opportunities in business, the greater you
become in business. Opportunity is without meaning to those who don’t have a
well defined goal. If you don’t know what you want, how can you recognize it
when it comes your way? Life has no favourites. We all are breathing in the
same air. Everyday has its benefits and opportunities that come with it. The
other man or woman could just be maintaining that leadership position in that business because of the correct identification and
adequate utilization of maybe just one opportunity that occurred to him or her
in the past. You too can enter into greatness first by the correct positioning
of your ‘antennae’ to first receiving signals of opportunities and secondly
making good use of them.
Lack of the knowledge of the
meaning of opportunity is responsible for the disregard of it. A disregarded
opportunity could be a likely chance of success missed. A wasted opportunity
can take a man back many years in life. It is rare to find an opportunity that
is always there for you. Some times you need to try much harder to gain back an
opportunity that was once given to easily which you ignorantly wasted. To
become great in life and attain any leadership position you need to stay in the best places where opportunities to
achieve your goals come easiest to you.
Most people fail to recognize
opportunities because most times they come disguised. Opportunities can come disguised
· Work
A blind alley.
Thinking about all the
discomfort they may have to go through in the process of probing further about
a likely opportunity to go forward in life, a man or woman may lose that
chance. Laziness and the unwillingness to go the extra mile also rob most
people of opportunities. What may begin as an extra work may lead you into a
major breakthrough in your life and could make you end up as a leader or reference point in that field. Don’t be afraid of work!
Also, some leads may look as
if they’ll take you to no where, they could be opportunities to greatness in
disguise. Don’t draw conclusion based on inadequate facts. Carry out a proper
feasibility study. Leave no stone unturned. Don’t draw conclusions based on
appearances. That last stone you’re leaving unturned may have the pearl you’re
looking for hidden underneath it.
To be on the look out for
opportunities is not to make you become an opportunist. No sir! Don’t be an
opportunist but learn to seize opportunities. Opportunists are out only for
quick gains but those who seize opportunities use them whether the gains are
immediate or long term. There fore to complete the SECRET RULE ONE;
‘opportunity is potential
greatness, search for them, learn to recognize them and act upon them’
Your lifetime is your
greatest opportunity there fore strive to make good use of it.
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