Strategy-Winners Ace
for success in any area of life is rarely achieved by just adopting any
haphazard approach. Only those who see striving for success as a war or a
battle come out victorious. It is a war or a battle in the sense that you’re
fighting against the forces of failure. Success doesn’t just happen you have to
put it in place. As in every war or battle only the troop with the best
strategy wins. Your weapons of achieving success in whatever area are the
success principles that you know and adopt in that area.
is defined as an elaborate and systematic plan of action. Action sets into
motion the process that leads to success. No matter how you plan without taking
the right actions you cannot achieve success. However, many folks have the
knowledge of this half truth that action and self-confidence alone can lead to
success. Little wonder why many have become wearied because they seem to be
working hard at their business but are making very little progress. In other
words their progress is not noticeable compared to the time and effort they are
putting in. The truth is that they don’t have a workable and sound strategy.
back in history and you’ll discover that most great generals were also great
strategists. The Master himself Jesus of Nazareth taught that no one intending
to go into battle without checking first on what he has whether its able to
withstand and overcome his opponent should expect victory. That means he
shouldn’t be surprised if he loses because he failed to strategise. A close
observation of any successful business person of today will reveal to you a
good strategist.
gathering is the first phase of strategy development. You must go out of your
way to bring relevant information together pertaining to what you’re planning
to achieve. For example an athlete who desires to win an Olympic gold medal
must get first hand information on training schedules of past Olympic gold
medalists. They should know what those people did that turned them into Olympic
gold medalist and then be ready to do more than them. Only then can he or she
be seen as qualified to compete. Again such athlete must go also for
information about the athletic capabilities of their fellow competitors and
practice to break whatever record has been set by such in the past. We can
readily see that proper strategizing changes people and situation. Success is
more of the internal than the external. The athlete by preparation and planning
is already internally no longer the person they used to be before they went
through such rigorous preparation. Their readiness is actually the image of the
success they desire, they only go to the actual playing field to show to the
world what they have turned to in secret.
strategizing is never devoid of drills and that’s why you see soldiers always
training and making themselves fit all the time. Drills mean trying to
experience the situation of conflict before the real conflict as a way of
training and preparation. This way you correct whatever weaknesses or lapses
that occurs. There is always no room to make any corrections in the real
battle. The mindset of great strategist is that preparation time is never
wasted time. You must therefore adopt this useful habit if you desire to see
yourself winning more battles in life, scaling more hurdles or passing more
exams. The process may be tough while going through it but the joy of being
crowned with your laurel wipes away than pain instantly. That’s why any one
that has benefited from strategic planning do not mind staying awake in the
night doing so. Prepare your strategy and then act on it to attain your desired
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